Book a virtual consultation: feng shui or remote dowsing
To book a remote feng shui consultation or remote dowsing please email call me on +44 7956 288574 or use contact form
What is a remote virtual feng shui consultation?
I’ve been doing remote feng shui consultation for the past 35 years. I’ve done hundreds of successful remote feng shui survey on properties all over the world. Initially, it was done from floor plans and old fashioned VHS video tapes and photos. But today, with Internet and with more advanced and accurate feng shui tools, I’m able to offer a high quality remote feng shui consultations and provide you with a clear report of all the findings that you would be able to implement easily and successfully.
What is involved in a remote virtual feng shui consultation?
Remote feng shui consultation has a few simple steps:
1) please drop me an email to explain your requirements. I will send you a list of electronic documents that I need from you (see the list below).
2) make an online payment (PayPal or Google Checkout or bank transfer).
3) we talk on the phone or Skype and I give you all the relevant information (it’s possible for me to see your home via Skype or iPhone FaceTime).
4) I’ll send you a feng shui report
5) there is a follow-up feng shui consultation included – after 1-3 months we speak again about the changes you’ve made and I might suggest further feng shui improvements
How to book a remote feng shui consultation
Please email me these details:
1) home or business consultation
2) the size of your property (how many bedrooms, etc) or your business (how many people are working there, etc)
3) why do you need feng shui or any problems you have
4) location of the business or home (any Google Maps links so I can assess the size of the job)
5) floor plans or blue print – with the compass directions, maps
6) photos of exterior and interior
7) your contact details: cell phone number, Skype
I will then send you a detailed quote for the job and the timescale when it we could talk on the phone/Skype about it.
If you have wifi network at home/office we could use Skype (or FaceTime) for me to view your property virtually.
If you have any questions about your virtual remote feng shui consultation, please email me: for further details or call me on +44 7956 288574.
A feng shui consultation includes:
1. An assessment of the your needs and issues.
2. A review of the history of the property.
3. Feng shui assessment of the property, dowsing for geopathic stress (from floor plans), checking EMF pollution (visual assessment).
4. Discussion of findings, definition of solutions and implementation plan.
5. Suggesting making immediate minor feng shui corrections to the property if possible (space clearing and geopathic stress harmonisation).
6. A feng shui report to follow by email.
7. Follow up, fine tuning consultation on the phone after 1-3 months.
Feng shui auspicious date selection (for weddings, important meeting, starting a business, etc)
Another remote feng shui service I offer is help with selecting auspicious dates for weddings, important meetings, travel plans, starting or setting up a business or switching on a feng shui water feature or putting your property on sale. I use a set of very powerful methods. Click the PayPal button below and in the ‘message to seller’ state your date of birth and your question/s. It helps if you suggest some kind of timescale for your enterprise: for example “I want to start my business in June 2013 or in the second part of 2013. My date of birth is 15 April 1972.” I will then email you a list of dates that are auspicious and lucky. Please allow 7-14 days for me to generate and email you the report. You can also call/text me on +44 7956 288574 to discuss you needs.
Remote dowsing
When booking remote dowsing, please state what exactly do you want to know in your email and I’ll send you a quote for the service (my fee starts from £50, depending on the nature of your questions, etc). Or please text/whatsapp me on +44 7956 288574 your query or just call me.